Diet French nutritionist Ducane - Step 2.

Diet French nutritionist Ducane
Phase 2: Phase rotation

All products are allowed on stage 1 + raw or cooked vegetables in any quantity, at any time.

tomato, cucumber, radish, spinach, asparagus, green beans, cabbage, celery, mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, carrot and beetroot (not recommended to eat morkovt and beets at each meal)

Stage 2 consists of alternating days of pure PP proteins and PL proteins + days, and vegetables. This stage lasts until you reach the desired weight.

Interleaving scheme: PP and PL: 1 / 1 2 / 2, 3 / 3, 5 / 5

Recommended by:

-If you want to lose less than 10 kg, we recommend an alternation of PP / 1 PL (1 day of pure proteins, then a day of protein + vegetables), but it is possible, and 3 / 3, or 5 / 5

- If you want to lose 10 to 20 kg, we recommend alternating 5 / 5

- If you want to lose 20 to 30 kg, the recommended rotation: 5 / 5

Interleaving scheme can be changed at any time
In this phase are allowed:
-1 Teaspoon fat-free cocoa
-1 Tablespoon of starch
-2 Tablespoons soy cream
-1 Teaspoon cream of 3-4%
-2-3 Drops of oil in the pan for frying
-30 Oz of cheese is less than 6% in dry weight (we have a kosher no such)
-3 Tablespoons white or red wine
-1 Tablespoon ketchup Heinz
From this list, selects only two ALLOWED ON THE DAY OF THE PRODUCT

Can be used for cooking, baking or eating:
Agar-agar, gelatin
Marak office defatted
Light drinks only one glass of calories and no more
Sugar substitutes
All spice
Adjika, hot pepper
Powdered milk, milk (semi-skimmed and skimmed)
Natural canned
Soy sauce
Surimi (fake crab sticks, no more than 8 per day!)
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